2005 Election Results

The voting period is now finished. Thanks to all those who have taken the time to vote for the new ACP. The 2 elected members of the new ACP EC are the following CPers:

  • Francesca Rossi
  • Barry O'Sullivan

Congratulations to them! According to the rules of the ACP, the new Executive Committee consists of the following 10 members:

  • Krzysztof Apt
  • Fahiem Bacchus
  • Javier Larrosa
  • Pedro Meseguer
  • Michela Milano
  • Barry O'Sullivan
  • Jean Francois Puget
  • Francesca Rossi
  • Peter Van Beek
  • Mark Wallace

Thanks to those who served on the ACP EC this last year and have now resigned according to the rules and good luck to those who just joined. The presentation of the new ACP will be held during the CP 2005 conference (http://www.iiia.csic.es/cp2005/), on Sunday, October 2, in Sitges, Spain. For any questions, you can contact Remi Coletta at coletta@lirmm.fr

Election Details

Number of Voters: 154 Number of Votes: 286

Francesca Rossi81
Barry O'Sullivan58
Meinolf Sellmann56
Toby Walsh55
Roland Yap36