2024 Quarterly Report 1

With the CP paper deadline now past, this quarterly report brings you updates about other tracks in the CP conference: a call for tutorials and doctoral program submissions, as well as the call for ACP Award nominations.

ACP.1 CP 2024 in Girona, Spain.

The 30th edition of the conference will take place from 2 to 6 September 2024 (mark your calendars...) in the lovely Girona in Catalonia, Spain.

Besides a main track, there will be 3 specialised tracks: Application track, CP and Machine Learning track, and CP and Quantum Computing track.

While the paper deadline and workshop proposal deadline has passed, the call for tutorials and doctoral program submissions is still open (see below).

More information on the conference: https://cp2024.a4cp.org/

ACP.2: Call for Tutorial Proposals at CP2024

The Tutorial Program is intended to disseminate information to conference attendees on recently emerging topics and trends, provide surveys of complementary techniques to those commonly studied at CP, and inform industrial practitioners on the state-of-the-art within the field. Tutorials will be given by experts in the subject matter.

We invite proposals for tutorials to be held at CP2024. Tutorials will be scheduled during the conference, which will take place from September 2 to 6, 2024. Tutorial proposals should be emailed to the tutorial chair Pierre Schaus.

The deadline for tutorial proposals is 01/07/2024

Submission details and more information: https://cp2024.a4cp.org/cft.html

ACP.3: Call for Doctoral Program Submissions at CP2024

The Doctoral Program (DP) of the CP conference is seeking submissions from research students (new and past participants) conducting research in constraint programming and related areas. The DP aims to provide an informal environment for students to discuss ongoing work and to network with experienced researchers. The DP is a full-day event that includes short presentations of student papers, discussions with senior researchers, poster presentations, networking activities and a social dinner. Participation requires a paper submission to the DP, reviewing of other submissions at the DP and attendance in person.

In addition, there is financial support to cover conference registration, accommodation and dinner costs for a limited number of students. Financial support is granted on a case-by-case basis depending on the needs of the young researcher.

The doctoral program is a great way to connect with other PhD students in the field, in an informal atmosphere.

Submissions are open untill 20/06/2024

Submission details and more information: https://cp2024.a4cp.org/cfdp.html

ACP.4: ACP Call for Awards

Every year, the Association for Constraint Programming (ACP) recognizes individual community members who are making outstanding contributions to the field.

We welcome nominations from you! Please think for a minute who would deserve such a wonderful recognition.

The deadline is Friday 14 June 2024.

This year we have three different awards, for members of different seniority:

The ‘Doctoral Research’ award:

For researchers who obtained their PhD in the last 2 calendar years (i.e., official completion in 2022-01-01 to 2023-12-31)

Past recipients: https://www.a4cp.org/awards/doctoral-research-award

Nomination form: https://forms.gle/5DosZcdEtBrovWtr8

The ‘Early Career Research’ award:

For rising stars who obtained their PhD 2-8 years ago (i.e., 2014-01-01 to 2021-12-31)

Past recipients: https://www.a4cp.org/awards/early-career-research-award

Nomination form: https://forms.gle/zubeRMtmf3JAWMjw7

The ‘Distinguished Service’ award:

For established members who have made exceptional contributions to the CP community.

Past recipients: https://www.a4cp.org/awards/distinguished-service-award

Nomination form: https://forms.gle/F9rwdzdFeBPYGNMK6

ACP.5: Varia

The executive committee of the ACP meets about every month to coordinate the organisation of CP conferences and summer schools, to manage its budget, to organize the awards and more.

This year, as is done every two years, there will again be an open call for new board members and corresponding elections. More information will follow.
